How to Make Subscription

Posted on 2019/04/02

On deep-watch, all tasks start from free Earth course. After 30-day free trial, you need subscribe to other courses to continue. This blog explains the process to make subscription.

To subscribe, go to Task Manage page and click Change Course button in Task Status section.

Change course button

On next page, select one course by clicking corresponding icon, then click OK button.

Select course

If you have enough credit points to support 30-day run with selected course, the fee will be billed from your credit balance, and the process is done. The same billing will repeat every 30-day until credit balance goes lower than course price.

If not enough points, we will set up a recurring subscription on PayPal. The next page shows the subscription plan. Here is an example.

Show subscription plan

If you agree with the plan, click the OK button, then you will be redirected to PayPal’s site, where you need authorize the subscription.

After authorization, the browser will bring you back to Task Manage page, and the process is done. With this method the fee is paid from your PayPal account every 30-day. The first payment happens a few hours after your authorization.

  • You will need a PayPal account to make recurring subscription with PayPal.
  • Check this page to get help from PayPal about how to manage recurring subscriptions.


Subscribe to Multiple Tasks

After the first task, if you have another one to subscribe, we will terminate the old subscription and create a new one to manage both tasks. On the subscription plan page, you will see a different message.

Subscription plan for second task

By clicking the price tag in New plan field, you can bring out the Plan details window to check how the price is calculated.

Plan details of second task


Depending on the timing of 2nd subscription, you may see Adjustment field in the subscription plan page. The adjustment is one-time payment that happens upon your authorization. Adjustment happens because new subscription does not start until current billing cycle ends, even though the old subscription is terminated immediately. Looking into the blank zone between old subscription and the new one, the fee of 1st task is already paid by old subscription, and the fee of 2nd task is designed to be covered by adjustment. The adjustment is calculated with the following formula.

Adjustment calculation equation

Below is an example to illustrate the concept.

Example of adjustment

Let's say you subscribed for Task1 on Day0, thus recurring payments will happen on Day0 and Day30. Then on Day45, you subscribed for Task 2, then we will terminate the old subscription and replace it with new one, which starts from Day60. In this case adjustment is billed to cover the fee for Task 2 between Day45 and Day60.
  • The adjustment may be zeroed if too small.
  • The same rule applies when adding more (3rd, 4th …) tasks.

Heavy-user Discount

If you have many tasks running in parallel, you can have up to 40% discount for additional tasks. Discount is applied with the following rules.

  • Original price between $30 ~ $90 will have 20% discount
  • Original price over $90 will have 40% discount

Here original price means accumulated price of each subscribed task.

Refunding and Credit Points

For subscribed tasks, we commit live rate as KPI of service quality. In case that we failed to achieve committed live rate for some task in some billing cycle, what you paid for that task in that billing cycle will be refunded to your account as credit points (1 USD turns to 100 points). When subscribing for new tasks, the credit points will be preferably consumed, as described above.

Last update: 2019/04/24