Twitter Selective Notification



Twitter account

Target twitter account to monitor. It should be the same string to mention him after "@"

Minimum retweets

Do not notify unless number of Retweets exceeds this value

Minimum likes

Do not notify unless number of Likes exceeds this value

Time window (in hours)

If none-zero "Minimum retweets" or "Minimum likes" is defined, notify only if a Tweet reached target condition within specified time window. Use these options to define conditions such as "Notify only if get more than 1000 likes within 2 hours after post". Leave this option to zero if not needed.

Keywords to include

Notify only if any of these keywords is included. Keywords separated by comma(,). Leave this field blank if not needed.

Keywords to exclude

Do not notify if any of these keywords is included. Keywords separated by comma(,). Leave this field blank if not needed.

Other options