Changes of Site Policy (Sep 2024)

Posted on 2024/08/28

Effective from Sep 1, 2024, we are going to change free trial quota to 3 tasks. The quota will be handled as below.

  • A task in preparation state takes one quota. That quota could be released if user closes task before it gets prepared.
  • A prepared task, regardless of its state (i.e. Running, Suspend, Closed, etc), takes one quota if it never subscribed (and paid) for non-free courses. That quota keeps occupied even after the task is closed.
  • A prepared task, if subscribed for any non-free course, releases its quota after the first payment is done.
  • A released quota can be reused to make new requests.
  • User need at least one free quota to make new reuqests. A request will be rejected if user runs out of free quota.

According to above rules, user will not be eligible to make new requests when run out of free quota. In that case, try to reuse a free quota with either of the following methods.

  • If there is any running free task, change it to some non-free course, then wait till the first payment happens.
  • If there is any task that ever run as free task but never subscribed, change it to some non-free course, resume it, then wait till the first payment happens.
  • If there is any task in preparation, try to close it.


If none of above methods works, please ask for help with contact form.

Please check this blog for details about task states.

Please check this blog for details about making subscriptions.

Last update: 2024/08/29