Scholar Hunter: Track Activities of Early Birds

Posted on 2016/05/21


formulas on blackboard

If you are a researcher, there should exist a small group of people that you have more interest to know what research they are doing. You may wish you knew it earlier in case that you finish a new paper and find someone posted the same idea several weeks ago.

Deep-watch Scholar Hunter tracks activities of research pioneers, and help you keep aligned with the frontier. Differing from other tasks, it can collect information from multiple sources, and inform you in comprehensively cataloged style. Besides, you will have a data dashboard to review the activity history, then find the trend that may be unnoticeable with one single source. The "activities" can include but not limited to publications, citations, speeches, reports, interviews, etc. However, we never touch one's private life, which is a promise.


Note: Scholar Hunter is part of enterprise solution, so free service is not available in this case. The price is $20 per source per month. Before service starts, you need deposit enough credit points to support at least 6 months subscription.

To subscribe for this service, you only need give the name of target researcher, as well as a list of source sites that my have information related to his activities. If you are too busy to make a list, you can also subscribe for a $100 package. We will select up to 10 sites for you.

We will check source sites in in a daily manner, and alert you by email when any activities related to target name is found. Below is a sample of the emails that you are likely to receive.Alert on Yamanaka Shinya's new papers


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For any question or advice, please feel free to leave a message here.


Last update: 2019/04/17