If you employ a page change monitoring service, you may expect it to change as soon as possible. However the page may not always change in the way as you expected. This could happen for various reasons. For example, the service may temporarily shut down for maintenance, and the webmaster may change page design from time to time to maintain his KPI. Sometimes it changes so much that you may find it difficult to find the contents that you used to be familiar with. If that is true to you, so is it to a crawler.
In such case, with an unsmart page change monitoring service, you may be either teased with false alerts, or kept in dark without knowing your interested contents have been moved out of scope. It may take you quite a while to note that fact, and another while to setup a new task to make it work again.
Deep-watch works in smarter style. We patternize the information that you are interested in, and search that pattern every time target page is fetched. If the pattern is not found, crawler assumes it is an occasional error, and tries to fetch the same page a few minutes later. If crawler meets 3 straight errors, it will understand things are messed, and throw a S.O.S. to our engineers. Then we will rush a maintenance session to help crawler back to right course.
Since the match pattern is maintained by our engineers, it will be general enough to cover all information that you cares, and explicit enough to exclude any unwanted changes. So the service is not only robust on small changes (e.g. header/footer modification, layout reorganization, size adjustment, etc), but also tolerant on occasional error pages which could almost certainly be seen if you keep watching a site for 365 days. Even upon large design changes, you don’t have to maintain your task. We will do it for you.
Depending on priority level of the course you selected, the time of maintenance may vary from minutes to days. System will automatically inform you the beginning and end of each maintenance session. If you don’t want to miss potential page change events during maintenance, you can manually refresh target page anyway.
For all paid courses, we define live rate as our KPI. Live rate is calculated at end of each billing cycle with the following formula.
Where offline_time means accumulated maintenance time in current billing cycle.
We provide guaranteed live rate as a commitment for our service quality. If guaranteed rate is not achieved in some billing cycle, all payment of that cycle will be refunded to your account. The level of guaranteed rate depends on the course you selected. For example, the Jupiter course guarantees a rate of 99%. That means, if accumulated maintenance time of some billing cycle exceeds 7.2 hours, the payment of that cycle will be refunded to you.