Deep-watch Public Offers

Posted on 2016/07/28

deep watch free web page change monitoring service as a gift

Deep-watch public offer is a set of off-the-shelf applications that are immediately ready to serve. They are usually applications with (potentially) high needs, thus templatized by our engineers and introduced in blogs tagged as case study. User can start a task simply by filling out a configuration form there. Differing from private tasks, public offers don’t need manual setup upon user requests. Therefore they skip preparation state and go to run sate directly after validated. They are also featured with rich configurable trigger conditions to meet various user preferences as much as possible.

Same as private tasks, public offers always start from free. Free service can generally meet needs of most users. However, you will also have flexible options to upgrade to premium courses, to be smarter for more serious business. Our mission is not limited to free web page change monitoring service. Some of them may go beyond your expectation, and you will never regret to have a trywink

Below is a list of public services as of 2016/07/28. Our service keeps innovating so the list keeps updating. Please keep tuned, and keep smart!

Last update: 2019/04/16